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appendix - tool definitions:

Dead Blow Hammer

The head of a dead blow hammer is commonly hollow and partially filled with loose sandlead shot, or steel shot, which distribute the energy of the strike over a longer period of time. If a filled hammer head breaks while in use, it is likely to scatter a spray of the loose filler particles in the vicinity. Therefore, use of a traditional dead blow hammer may be restricted in certain settings, such as a manufacturing clean room, where contamination by foreign material could occur.

Some dead blow hammers have completely solid heads, usually made of rubber or resilient plastic (such as ultra high molecular weight plastic, UHMW), and rely on the inherent properties of the material to absorb shock and reduce rebound. Commonly constructed of polyurethane, dead blow hammers regularly appear in solid orange or black. Composite heads and fiberglass handle models are also available, with optional shock-absorbent rubber grips. A variant design omits the handle entirely; the dead blow head is gripped directly in the hand, for use in tight locations.

Some dead blow hammers have replaceable striking faces, attached by screwing or pressing them into place on the main body of the hammer. These replaceable inserts allow selection of the appropriate hardness for the striking face to reduce damage to an object being hammered, while optimizing the energy transfer of impact. Also, worn or damaged inserts can be replaced without discarding the entire handtool.

Ball Peen Hammer

ball-peen (also spelled ball-peinhammer, also known as a machinist's hammer, is a type of peening hammer used in metalworking. It is distinguished from a cross-peen hammerdiagonal-peen hammerpoint-peen hammer, or chisel-peen hammer by having a hemispherical head. It is commonly used as a tool for metalworking.

Picking Hammer

A tool with a pointed tip on one end and a flat head on the other used to remove small dents.

Bumping Hammer

  1. :  a usually power-driven hammer with two broad flat faces on a narrow head used in bumping sheet metal

Finishing Hammer

A hammer with a smaller face used to achieve final contour on sheet metal. The surface of the face is crowned to concentrate the force on top of the ridge or high spot.

Dolly (tool)

A 'dolly' is the name given to a category of tools used in shaping sheet metal. In general, a dolly is a solid piece of metal, small enough to hold in one hand, with a curved or shaped face. Generally a dolly will have more than one surface, each with its own radius of curvature (much like a three-dimensional French curve), allowing the craftsman more flexibility in using the tool.

A dolly can be used either as a hammer, shaping the metal to match the curve of the dolly, or as small anvil to provide a curved surface over which to dome or dish metal. They are commonly used to shape sheet metal in auto repair, especially in locations where it is difficult to swing a hammer.

They can also be used as backers for upsetting metal. When used as a portable anvil, a dolly can be used to hold a rivet in position while it is being clenched with a "snapper". Such dollies are commonly cylindrical in shape, and rely on mass to work. The act of using it is known as holding up or holding on.